Do you still like to carve and decorate
pumpkins ...
(I know I do)
here is you chance to show us your best pumpkin art!
Use your imagination and be creative.
Cafe Crop will be sponsoring a pumpkin decorating contest.
(it doesn't have to be an actual pumpkin - just represent a pumpkin)
Decorated pumpkins/pumpkin art can be dropped off Thursday, November 1st– Saturday, November 3rd.
Vote for your favorite pumpkin art during election week .
- One entry per person.
- Entry must be your own work not items made by someone else (i.e., decoration you bought at a craft fair)
- Nothing that will decompose, rot, turn to mush, etc. can be entered. Please use non-food / vegetable items!
- Only themes deemed appropriate and family-friendly will be accepted as an entry.
- Drop off your entry between Thursday, November 1st and Saturday, November 3rd.
- Entries will be on display the week of November 5th.
- Entries may be picked up after 4 PM on Saturday, November 10th.
- All entries will be on display at Café Crop the week of November 5th. (Monday, November 5th – Saturday, November 10th.)
- Voting
- One vote per person per day
- Voters must be 16 years of age or older
- Anyone found violating the voting rules will have all of their votes disqualified.
- Vote in person during business hours each day:
- Voting will end at 3 PM on Saturday, November 10th. Votes will be counted and the winners announced at 4 PM.
- 1st prize: $50 Cafe Crop Gift Certificate
- 2nd prize: $25 Cafe Crop Gift Certificate
- 3rd prize: $15 Cafe Crop Gift Certificate